'EU 27' Seek Unity at Bratislava summit in wake of Brexit.
European Union leaders will gather in Bratislava later in a bid to reinvigorate the bloc. Battered by Britain’s Brexit vote and divided by a row over migration, European Council president Donald Tusk has urged leaders to take
a ‘brutally honest’ look at the EU’s problems. On his arrival in the Slovak capital, he told reporters that ‘‘we must not let this crisis go to waste’‘.
“I am absolutely sure that we have to assure here in Bratislava, and also after our meeting, our citizens that we have learned the lesson from Brexit and that we are able to bring back stability and a sense of security and effective protection,” Tusk said.
Più informazioni:http://www.euronews.com/2016/09/15/eu-27-seek-unity-at-bratislava-summit-in-wake-of-brexit/