Slovakia is a country of sports and recreation. Slovak mountain ranges are dissected by thousands of kilometres of tourist paths and tracks. They belong among the best designated ones in Europe. They are seen in map sets which are permanently updated.
The tourist footpaths in Slovakia are indicated by marks coloured red, blue, green or yellow.
More information in slovak.
Vysoke Tatry (High Tatras)
In the national park of the High Tatras there are various tourist paths very good marked that carry the tourists in the valleys (for example Mengusova valley, Velka and Mala Studena valley), on the mounts (Gerlach mount, Krivan, Rysy and on the Lomnicky mount, high 2632 m, where is present a cableway). There are also numerous alpine lakes (Strpske pleso, Skalnate pleso) and waterfalls.
Zapadne Tatry (Western Tatras)
The most beautiful part of the Western Tatras are Rohace mountains. There are lot of starting points for trails. Beyond Rohace there are the natural preserves call Kotlov zlab, Osobita, very beautiful Rohace lakes, Sivy vrch, Uplaziky and protected natural formations like the Brestovska cave and Macacie diery.
Nizke Tatry (Low Tatras)
In the Low Tatras there is a great number of systems of caves, deep forest valleys a lot of footpaths where is possible to do excursions. The Demanova and Janska valley are the most searched between the all valleys in the national park. There were discovered some great caves and deep gorges. The most extended system of the caves is that of Demanova 22 km long and it includes the Demanova Liberty Cave and the Demanova Ice cave.
Mala Fatra (Low Fatra)
Krivanska Fatra (Velky Krivan - 1709 m, Vratna valley, Stefanova village, the system of gorges with the waterfalls - Horne and Dolne Diery …)
Lucanska Fatra - (Velka Luka - 1476 m, Martinske hole)
Slovensky raj (Slovak paradise)
In this national park there are narrow canyons, waterfalls, beautiful caves, gorges, paths. The rugged canyons could are passable thanks to ladders and chains that have been installed to carry hikers along dizzying heights over cascades and boulder-sterwn stream beds. (Prielom Hornadu, Sokolia dolina, Suchá Belá, Dobsinska Ice Cave, Tomasovsky vyhlad …)
A little dictionary
SK - IT - EN
cesta – via – route
dolina – valle – valley
pleso – lago alpino – alpine lake
Mountain Rescue
Horska zachranna sluzba (Mountain rescue service)
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