Cycling in Slovakia
Slovak cycling routes are 5400 kilometres long in present time. Slovakia offers for the cycling lovers many interesting places.
The system of signs:
The routes are signed by standard system of signs. The system consists of painted signs of "C" shape and elements of cycle-tourist orientation - cycle-directions.
Generally, the signs differ in types of bicycle: mountain bikes and road bikes. They vary in four colours: red ones are for long-distance cycle-roads, blue ones are for longer parallel cycling tracks, green ones for circuits and family cycling tracks, yellow ones for short tracks.
International Danube cycling route
(Dunajska cyklisticka cesta)

The routes are lead mainly on tar river dikes and roads. About 17 kilometres before entering Komarno can only be done by mountain bikes. Up to Gabcikovo waterworks the route is along both banks of the river Danube and from Gabcikovo the route continues only on the left bank.
This route offers discovering Bratislava, Samorin and Komarno towns.
The length on signed routes is around 200 km.
International Danube cycle route
(Medzinárodná Dunajská cyklotrasa)

The route go through Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. Thanks to this cycling track is possible to know the capitals of three states that go through The length of the route from Vienna passing Bratislava until Budapest is about 275 km long.
Malokarpatska cycle route
(Malokarpatská cyklomagistrála)

It goes through the bottom part of Male Karpaty, it North it leads at Eastern foot and in South at Western foot of Male Karpaty. It starts in Nove Mesto nad Vahom and goes through Vrbove, Trstin, Bukova, Rohoznik, all the way to Vysoka pri Morave. The route is 130 km long and can be done by road bikes. Cycling on it you can see many villages and enjoy the views over Male Karpaty peaks as well as visit several castles.
Vazska cycle route
(Vážska cyklomagistrála)

Is signed between Piestany and Zilina. Up to Nemsova the route goes along both banks of the river Vah, then to Zilina only on one bank of the river. The routes are led on common asphalt roads, river dikes and main communications and can be done on road bikes. The length of the routes is about 250 km. The towns on the road that can be visited are the following: Piestany, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Trencin, Nemsova, Povazska Bystrica, Puchov, Bytca and Zilina. There are many castles and chalets on the way.
Kysucka cycle route
(Kysucká cyklomagistrála)

The route connects the river Vah valley with Orava, it goes through whole Kysuce area. It overcomes Javorniky, Kysucka Vrchovina and Oravske Beskydy massifs. It starts in Kotesova, then it goes through Turzovka, Cadca and Oscadnica. Then it passes over Vychylovka Park and Demanova. The route can be done by road bikes and it is 139 km long.
Circle around Polana
(Okruh okolo Polany)

130 km long route is led along the circle of Polana peak. The suitable starting and finishing point is Detva town. The route is led through mountain area on 1st and 2nd class roads. It can only be done by mountain bikes and it is very pretentious.
Interesting link: useful information about Podpolanie region and on tourist and cyclist services in English language you can find on the baeutiful web site:
Circle under Chopok hill
(Okruh pod Chopkom)

Demanding and nice circle for mountain bikes is led on Southern slopes of Chopok hill (Low Tatras). The starting point can be Podbrezova or Tale. The route is meant only for mountain bikes. It is 54 km long.
The cycling tracks in the Rocks of Sulov
(Cyklotrasy v Súlovských skalách)

In this attractive zone of the “Slovak Dolomites” there are 5 binding tracks for mountainbike, their length is about 40 km.
Cycling in the High Tatras
(Cykloturistika vo Vysokých Tatrách)

In the national park of the High Tatras are 22 cycling tracks very well signalled. More useful information you can find on theese web sites: